Saturday, April 26, 2014

33 Weeks

This morning Martin and I had a tour of the maternity ward at Los Robles hospital, where our labor and delivery will take place. It was crazy to see so many pregnant ladies all in the same place, I kept thinking what if someone goes in to labor right now?! I guess it's the perfect place, but being surrounded by 15-20 other pregnant women and their spouses was such a weird experience. I don't see that many other preggos very often!
We both really enjoyed the tour and I felt especially reassured about having our baby at Los Robles. The nurse who did our orientation was so kind, and kept reassuring us the goal of the hospital is for mom's and dad's to have a great experience. She was very reassuring that the nurses and staff are on our side. Whatever the mom wants her birth experience to be like, they will do their best to accommodate, so long as mom and baby are doing well. We got to see some precious newborns, see how nice the post part-um rooms are (I was especially excited about the showers!), and even learned all the nurses know which restaurants in the area deliver to the hospital for my post-birth meal ;) All in all, the orientation and tour was very encouraging to me and I felt even more excited to be having a baby in just a few more weeks!

How far along: 33 Weeks
Fruit/Vegetable comparison: A durian fruit: about 17.2-18.7 inches in length, and 4.2-5.8 lbs.  
Total weight gain: 27 pounds
Baby's new developments: Baby can now keep his eyes open while awake, and bones are continuing to harden. 
Sleep: Starting to get a little uncomfortable. I've had to get up to use the restroom a few times this week. And my belly is getting pretty heavy so I have to keep the snoogle pillow under my belly while I sleep. Rolling over is pretty much not worth it anymore ;) 
Best moment of the week: Definitely enjoyed the maternity tour and orientation this morning! I'm really looking forward to having this baby. As weird as that may sound, I mean it! I can't wait to have our little guy here with us! 
Miss anything?: Breathing normally (Everything simple suddenly feels like I was just running a marathon), Not feeling smooshed (I just don't have much space left in my torso!) and I miss sangria lately haha. 
Movement: Still an active little guy. It's fun to watch my belly move, hopefully one day I can actually get it on video!  
Food cravings: Quesadillas were pretty much my go-to food this week. 
Symptoms: Shortness of breath, occasional back aches, fatigue, minor aches and cramps when they baby moves into an uncomfortable position. 
Looking forward to: Birthing class starts on thursday! 

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to meeting my new grandson in a few weeks. Glad to hear all is well and see you soon.
