Sunday, May 4, 2014

34 Weeks

With 6 weeks left to go (give or take) I'm really starting to feel like I'm ready for this pregnancy to be over. I still don't want him to come early by any means, but I am getting to the point where I just can't seem to get comfortable these days. My maternity clothes feel tight, breathing is difficult, and no matter what I'm doing -sitting, standing, or laying down- I need to move again shortly after because I just don't feel comfortable for long. The heat the last week has been especially rough. Quite often throughout the week I would just suddenly feel SO hot and overheated, bringing with it a wave of nausea and wooziness. I imagine menopause feels something like this, haha! My sea-bands and I are once again becoming well acquainted, as a result. All I want to do when it hits me is sit in a freezer. I settled for the pool a couple of times, which was refreshing in more than just bringing my body temperature down. Being in the pool feels so nice! I almost forget that I'm pregnant and swim around and float, enjoying the feeling of weightlessness for the moment. The pool is my new favorite place, and no one uses the pool in our condo complex, so I pretty much have it to myself when I go swimming.

How far along: 34 Weeks
Fruit/Vegetable comparison: A butternut squash: He probably weighs about 5 pounds, and measures around 17.2-18.5 inches in length.  
Total weight gain: 28.5 pounds
Baby's new developments: Baby can recognize songs now! I need to start testing this out and see if he moves around to some more than others. 
Sleep: Rolling over is pretty much a thing of the past; it's too much effort and not really worth it when I finally make it over to the other side. I'm usually waking up once or twice a night to use the restroom. Other than that, not too bad. 
Best moment of the week: We started birthing class on Thursday and it was a great class! We talked about relaxation techniques, early labor and signs of pre-term labor, and discussed how birth partners will support moms during labor. Martin said the class was very helpful for him, so I'm glad we will be taking it for the next few weeks! 
Miss anything?: Normal breathing . . . and probably still sangria, haha. 
Movement: Sometimes I don't enjoy how much he moves, because his sudden movements can be painful, but it's good to remember all of that movement is important and I really should be thankful he's so active. If he wasn't, that could be concerning. So I'll take his crazy, quick movements for the next couple of weeks!
Food cravings: I could still eat Jersey Mike's sandwiches every day. I don't . . . but if I did, I don't think I'd get sick of them. Also, probably the weird pregnancy craving I've had recently is oatmeal. Normally I really do NOT like oatmeal. But this week it was the only thing I wanted in the mornings! 
Symptoms: Shortness of breath, hot flashes, nausea, occasional back aches, fatigue, minor aches and cramps when the baby moves into an uncomfortable position. At least this will only be going on for a few more weeks, right?
Looking forward to: Birthing class for the next few weeks, and the reality that with each passing week, we are that much closer to the arrival of our baby boy! 

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