Now that there are only 2 months left (give or take!), the reality that we will have our little guy with us in weeks rather than months is pretty exciting and nerve-wrecking all at the same time. To think that the crib in the corner of our room will soon hold our son, and the clothes in his little dresser will soon be worn, is quite overwhelming. Both in a good way and in a "oh my goodness everything is changing and it's happening way too soon" kind of way. I'm definitely excited for our son, and look forward to being a parent. But I can't deny that there is still so much that I don't know and can't quite grasp of just how much our lives will change. I wonder what kind of parent I'll be, and what personalities our kids will have. One of the ladies I volunteer with in the nursery shared with me why they chose to have a big family, saying "children are the only thing that matter in light of eternity". And really, that's the beauty of raising children: these are people who we have been entrusted with to teach what it means to follow Jesus, and to hope that they will love Him and serve Him and know Him as we do. So in light of all that I don't know and certainly will be learning along the way, I am thankful for the hope of Jesus, and His grace and guidance when it comes to being a parent. We will not be doing this on our own, thank the Lord!
How far along: 32 weeks and 2 days
Fruit/Vegetable comparison: A squash! My app says he should be around 2.5-3.8 pounds right now, but I would say he's bigger since our last ultrasound he was weighing in just under 4 pounds. He's about 15.2 to 16.7 inches in length.
Total weight gain: I didn't weigh myself this week, but I would guess I'm at about 27 to 28 pounds gained, based on how I've gained weight over the last few weeks :)
Baby's new developments: Baby's head is down, preparing for delivery! Hopefully he stays that way for another 8 weeks! He's also running out of space, and probably feels pretty cramped in there.
Sleep: Still sleeping fairly well through the night, waking up every now and then for bathroom visits. I can't roll over comfortably, so I tend to stay on my left side while sleeping. My body pillow keeps my belly comfortable while sleeping, it doesn't feel as heavy, so I definitely love my snoogle! Martin calls it "the great wall of China" though, because it wraps around my back and he can't snuggle me ;) Although I get pretty hot in the middle of the night, so I'm not much of a snuggler these days anyway.
Best moment of the week: I drove out to Ventura with one of the girls I mentor, Haley, on Saturday to visit the Petunia Pickle Bottom boutique and got an adorable diaper bag from their sale section! We also spent the afternoon at the Harbor, walking around and watching seals. So that pretty much made my day :)
Miss anything?: I feel like when I get into the car to drive lately I am so smooshed! I miss being able to easily maneuver in and out of the car.
Movement: He moves so much! He makes my whole belly move sometimes, and I can see when he's hanging out on one side or the other!
Food cravings: I ate a lot of eggs this week. They were delicious! Other than that, I don't think I've been craving much.
Symptoms: Shortness of breath, occasional back aches, and fatigue.
Looking forward to: We have our maternity ward tour this Saturday. Getting closer to the big day!
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