We also enjoyed getting to know the other missionaries going through the assessment. There were only a few of us, so we really had the time and opportunity to get to know each other. It was exciting to hear about each of their unique ministries God had called them to, and to see the missionaries currently serving, as well as those like us who were in the process of preparing to be sent out. One of the couples we were excited to meet and get to know where Jen and Matt Daniels, who are also missionaries with Encompass World Partners, our sending organization. We spent some time with them thursday afternoon after assessment and enjoyed talking through working with Encompass, finding out how many similarities we shared, and how Martin and Matt are pretty much cut from the same cloth. There were some very funny similarities, including the fact that the condo we currently rent is the exact same one they lived in a few years ago! They were both such a joy to get to know, and we joked that if we weren't set on Argentina, we might reconsider and join them in Japan. :)
God used assessment to bless us, encourage us, and give us direction in what steps to take next as we pursue missions in Argentina. We are both so thankful for the time of growth and reflection, and the friendships we made as a result of our weekend.
How far along: 30 weeks
Fruit/Vegetable comparison: A cucumber (I'm assuming he isn't as skinny as a cucumber, haha!) He's about 4 pounds, and 15.2-16.7 inches in length.
Total weight gain: 25 pounds
Baby's new developments: Baby's brain tissue is continuing to develop, and is strong enough now to grasp a finger! How surreal is that?!
Sleep: Mostly sleeping through the night, I just have to stay to the same side. It's uncomfortable to try and roll over, and takes about 5 minutes, so it's too much effort haha.
Best moment of the week: Definitely assessment, for the reasons listed above :)
Miss anything?: Nothing comes to mind.
Movement: He's still quite a squirmer, and sometimes now his jabs are a little painful! Not too bad, just when they happen all of a sudden. He's pretty strong, apparently!
Food cravings: I can't think of anything I've really craved. I still love red meat, so that's probably been the most consistent craving throughout my pregnancy.
Symptoms: Frequent bathroom breaks. Nothing too crazy this week.
Looking forward to: We're trying to rearrange our bedroom this weekend to start setting up stuff for baby! I'm so excited to start putting things together and getting his space set up.
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