Monday, May 26, 2014

37 Weeks - full term!

This weekend has been a very eventful one, so I haven't had a chance to sit down and update the blog til just now. It's exciting to know that since I am now considered full term at 37 weeks, baby could come any day now! I don't think he will for awhile still, but it's surreal to know that it could technically be any day now and he wouldn't be pre-term. I've started experiencing braxton hicks and I am certain this time they really are contractions! My stomach will get very tight all of a sudden, and I'll feel a little bit crampy. I think the couple of times it's happened I've been so surprised at actually feeling a contraction, I just kind of look around to see if anyone would know I'm having a contraction, haha. I don't do any counting or anything! Which is fine, considering we're at the point where I just need to pay attention for the 5-1-1 (5 minutes apart/for an hour/one minute in length) contractions, and those are definitely not happening yet.
We had a great weekend, between getting a new car and hanging out with good friends, and we'll be going to a BBQ today with my mother-in-law. I'm trying to stay active and keep from sitting still too often. I know there are all kinds of suggestions for jump-starting labor, but from all the stories I've heard, it seems no matter what the baby is going to come when he is ready. So, in the meantime, I'll just keep busy and try not to be too surprised when I go into labor!

How far along: 37 weeks 
Fruit/Vegetable comparison: A winter melon: About 6.2-9.2 pounds (I REALLY hope he is not at 9 pounds right now!) and 18.9-20.9 inches in length. 
Total weight gain: 32 pounds
Baby's new developments: Baby's practicing a lot of basic skills in utero right now: exhaling, inhaling, sucking, blinking, and gripping. 
Sleep: Not too bad. I typically go to bed at a decent hour, get up once or twice for a bathroom trip, then wake up about 7 or 8, no matter what day of the week it is. I wake up in the middle of the night on my back sometimes, and I just roll over to my side as soon as I notice it. 
Best moment of the week: We got to visit with our friends the Daniels while they were in town yesterday! We met them at Missions Assessment and already feel a close connection with them, and are so excited for their faithfulness in pursuing ministry in Japan. It was great having them over for dinner and a game night. Matt and Martin once again are ridiculously similar and both have a game strategy of just sabotaging everyone haha!
Miss anything?: Not yet. But I know I am reaaally going to miss sleep once our little guy is here! We talked in birthing class about how often you will be feeding during the first weeks, and it dawned on me that I basically won't be sleeping more than 1 hour stretches during those first weeks. Lord help me. 
Movement: Thankfully he's still, as always, very active. He rolls around more than kicks, and I think he's getting tired of being cramped in there from some of the ways he jostles about! 
Food cravings: Nectarines, raspberries, peaches . . . summer fruit is the best right now! 
Symptoms: Shortness of breath, feeling really hot (I heard my temperature runs 10 degrees warmer being pregnant. Not sure if that's just a saying, but I believe it!) occasional fatigue. 
Looking forward to: Seeing our little guy in just a matter of WEEKS!! Or days, but I think he'll still be closer to my due date ;) 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

36 weeks - one more month til d-day!

Yesterday marked 36 weeks, which means we are now one month away from my due date! I can't believe how close we are, and there is still so much going on! I still need to work on baby boy's quilt (yeah . . . I'm not as motivated as I was when I started it, so it's been a project I keep putting off haha), and we still have baby stuff all over the house that needs to get organized and put away. I sort of have a hospital bag packed . . . so I need to add to that in the coming weeks. In our birthing class they said ideally you want your bag packed by 36 weeks, so I'll start working on that soon. There are a few baby items I still need to purchase, and then we need to install the car seat base so we're ready to go once I go into labor. I still don't think I've had any braxton hicks so far, so it's hard to imagine what it will be like when I do start experiencing contractions. This past thursday in birthing class, to practice relaxing & breathing through pain, the teacher had us hold ice in our hands for the length of a contraction. I didn't really like it, and I told Martin that contractions are going to be in a totally different area, so I thought it was just mean to torture pregnant ladies, haha. However it was distracting to have to focus on my breathing and focus on a single object in the room while holding the ice. I still knew that I was holding ice and that it hurt, but it wasn't thinking "OW WHY AM I DOING THIS!?". ;)
I'm wanting to research ways to alleviate pain in labor. I'm bringing a birthing ball to the hospital since I've heard good things about that, and have been thinking about getting lavender oil or some other oil that would be soothing to rub on my belly during contractions. Did anyone have any good distraction/pain relief techniques they liked during labor? I'm curious to hear about them!

How far along: 36 weeks 
Fruit/Vegetable comparison: A honeydew melon! About 5-5.8 pounds, and 17.2-18.7 inches in length. 
Total weight gain: 31 pounds
Baby's new developments: Baby's liver and kidneys are now fully functioning, and baby's born at 36 weeks typically are able to breathe on their own. 
Sleep: Bathroom breaks are common, but I think I'm still sleeping well over all. I go to bed pretty early, since I'm pretty fatigued right now. Sometimes I wake up because the baby starts moving around, or I'm uncomfortable in the position I'm sleeping in, but I fall back asleep pretty quickly. 
Best moment of the week: I still love going to the pool and swimming around. The heat was not fun this week, being upwards of 99 and 100 degrees a couple of days, so the pool was my favorite place to go after work! 
Miss anything?: Not really this week. Sometimes I think about how I'll never sleep in again, and that's a little depressing, haha! But then again, I'm not doing much sleeping in these days anyways. 
Movement: He's still an active little guy, but he doesn't kick around so much as roll and stretch. He's running out of room! 
Food cravings: Jersey Mike's sandwiches (this has probably been my most consistent craving, I've wanted a sandwich there pretty much once a week since the beginning), and nectarines! There are FINALLY nectarines at the grocery store!!  
Symptoms: Shortness of breath, hot flashes, occasional nausea, occasional back aches, fatigue, minor aches and cramps when the baby moves into an uncomfortable position. Those symptoms aren't constant, though. Just come and go throughout the day. 
Looking forward to: My friend Sam had her baby this weekend, and I'm looking forward to hearing how she's doing! Her husband sent a text after Carson was born saying that mom and baby were doing great, so I'm glad to hear she had a good labor and delivery. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

35 Weeks

We've got about 5 weeks left until we meet our little guy, and I can't believe how soon that is! We've been taking birthing class at Los Robles hospital, and it's been fun to meet other soon-to-be parents and learn about what we can expect to experience in the different stages of labor. This last thursday we got to watch the birth video, and everyone in the room had such different reactions, it was pretty entertaining. Martin handled it just fine, since he's actually seen the video of his own birth (yes, you read that right. According to him, it's like Inception), and I teared up because it still amazes me to see babies being born. There were other people in the class, however, who were not as prepared for seeing how babies come into the world. My favorite was the shocked "OH MY GOSH" from one of the moms in the class when they showed the birth.
Maybe I'm naive, but I'm looking forward to labor and delivery. At the end of each birthing class, I feel more informed and better prepared for what to expect. I feel confident in the staff at the hospital, and trust that the nurses really do want to help us have the best experience possible. I know that labor will be painful, but we've been learning relaxation techniques in class, and I know that I always have the option of the epidural if I want it. At the end of it all, I know we will get to finally meet our sweet little man, and that's what makes me the most excited when I think about my upcoming labor and delivery. He will finally be here! I keep wondering what he will look like, what it will feel like to finally hold him, to kiss his little face. I can't wait!

How far along: 35 weeks 
Fruit/Vegetable comparison: A coconut! About 5-5.8 pounds, and 17.2-18.7 inches in length. 
Total weight gain: 29 pounds
Baby's new developments: Baby's hearing is fully developed, which Martin and I have been testing his response to different music! Currently we're listening to the Beatles and he seems to be enjoying the Blue Album. :)
Sleep: Pretty much getting up every night to use the restroom. Other than that I'm falling asleep pretty quickly still. It's just hard to get in and out of bed. 
Best moment of the week: I've been enjoying time at the pool in our condo complex. It's my favorite form of exercise now. Plus, no one uses the pool, so I have the place all to myself to swim, float, and just hang out. 
Miss anything?: I miss my pre-pregnancy self: as in, not feeling nauseous and over-heated, and getting tired and feeling winded over basic activities. 
Movement: I keep trying to get his movement on video, because you can see my belly move so often when he does it! But baby doesn't like to perform. I'm pretty sure he knows whenever I get my camera out. 
Food cravings: Jersey Mike's sandwiches, Izze sparkling juice, and berries. Raspberries, strawberries, blackberries. All delicious. 
Symptoms: Shortness of breath, hot flashes, occasional nausea, occasional back aches, fatigue, minor aches and cramps when the baby moves into an uncomfortable position. I was talking to my friend Caitlin and she shared with me her last trimester she just felt sick and tired the majority of the time. I can sympathize! 
Looking forward to: We have two more sessions in birthing class, and then it's the final countdown to meeting our little man! 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

34 Weeks

With 6 weeks left to go (give or take) I'm really starting to feel like I'm ready for this pregnancy to be over. I still don't want him to come early by any means, but I am getting to the point where I just can't seem to get comfortable these days. My maternity clothes feel tight, breathing is difficult, and no matter what I'm doing -sitting, standing, or laying down- I need to move again shortly after because I just don't feel comfortable for long. The heat the last week has been especially rough. Quite often throughout the week I would just suddenly feel SO hot and overheated, bringing with it a wave of nausea and wooziness. I imagine menopause feels something like this, haha! My sea-bands and I are once again becoming well acquainted, as a result. All I want to do when it hits me is sit in a freezer. I settled for the pool a couple of times, which was refreshing in more than just bringing my body temperature down. Being in the pool feels so nice! I almost forget that I'm pregnant and swim around and float, enjoying the feeling of weightlessness for the moment. The pool is my new favorite place, and no one uses the pool in our condo complex, so I pretty much have it to myself when I go swimming.

How far along: 34 Weeks
Fruit/Vegetable comparison: A butternut squash: He probably weighs about 5 pounds, and measures around 17.2-18.5 inches in length.  
Total weight gain: 28.5 pounds
Baby's new developments: Baby can recognize songs now! I need to start testing this out and see if he moves around to some more than others. 
Sleep: Rolling over is pretty much a thing of the past; it's too much effort and not really worth it when I finally make it over to the other side. I'm usually waking up once or twice a night to use the restroom. Other than that, not too bad. 
Best moment of the week: We started birthing class on Thursday and it was a great class! We talked about relaxation techniques, early labor and signs of pre-term labor, and discussed how birth partners will support moms during labor. Martin said the class was very helpful for him, so I'm glad we will be taking it for the next few weeks! 
Miss anything?: Normal breathing . . . and probably still sangria, haha. 
Movement: Sometimes I don't enjoy how much he moves, because his sudden movements can be painful, but it's good to remember all of that movement is important and I really should be thankful he's so active. If he wasn't, that could be concerning. So I'll take his crazy, quick movements for the next couple of weeks!
Food cravings: I could still eat Jersey Mike's sandwiches every day. I don't . . . but if I did, I don't think I'd get sick of them. Also, probably the weird pregnancy craving I've had recently is oatmeal. Normally I really do NOT like oatmeal. But this week it was the only thing I wanted in the mornings! 
Symptoms: Shortness of breath, hot flashes, nausea, occasional back aches, fatigue, minor aches and cramps when the baby moves into an uncomfortable position. At least this will only be going on for a few more weeks, right?
Looking forward to: Birthing class for the next few weeks, and the reality that with each passing week, we are that much closer to the arrival of our baby boy!