Friday, December 19, 2014

Baby Elliott: 6 months!

We've made it through half of our first year with our little guy! So many things about him have now become familiar: his thin-lipped "old man" smile, his contagious laughter and high-pitched excited squeals, his chubby little fingers and Winston Churchill-esque double chin. That chin has got to be one of my favorite things about him; it's just so funny, and one of the first things new people notice about him. On Sunday, a friend commented on how he likes to refer to Elliott as Winston because of that fat little chin, and Martin & I thought it was such a perfect comparison.
I love his little frowny face!
master of disguise!

As familiar as he is in many ways, he always has new quirks about him that bring out his personality that will come out randomly. One day a couple weeks ago, he was laying on his playmat, and just started babbling as if he was having a conversation with one of his toys that hangs above him. I was watching him and couldn't stop laughing; it was the first time I'd heard him "talk" in a way that sounded   most like a normal sentence, and the way he was enunciating was adorable! I took a quick video so I could send it to Martin.
he loves his daddy!

Speaking of videos, my phone lately has been telling me I don't have any memory space on my phone, so I asked Martin to look at it, to which he informed me I have over 1,500 pictures & videos and it's clogging up my phone. As much as I know I can transfer everything to my external hard drive, part of me doesn't want to because I enjoy going and looking at his newborn pictures so often. So much has changed, and it always puts a smile on my face to see the progress my sweet boy has made in just these 6 months alone. God has given us such an incredible gift, and His lovingkindness is so apparent to me through this new stage of life.
what's not to love about this sweet little man?!

Random chatter aside, let's move on to some 6-month-old tidbits! It's hard to come up with a list of what he likes and doesn't like, because in general he is a pretty happy little guy. So I'll just try to come up with some highlights.

Currently, Elliott enjoys:
- Bouncing in his bouncer - he can go in that thing for 30 minutes or longer, nonstop! No joke.
- Being fawned over - he loves his fans ;)
- crinkly toys
- anything he can put in his mouth
- smiling at strangers - this one is a big change! He is still wary of some new people, but mostly he will put on a sweet little grin when people come up to him and want to see how cute he is ;)
- chatting with his playmat friends, or mommy & daddy. Or anyone who will listen, really.
- being read to - he's not quite into Lord of the Rings yet, but enjoys Moo, Baa, La La La. Someday ;)
I woke up like this. 

Elliott couldn't care less for:
- When mommy or daddy leaves the room
- The vacuum - this one is brand new. If he's awake, I can't vacuum because the loudness freaks him out. Ironically, he sleeps through it if I vacuum during his naps.
- Dogs. Could be other pets, but thus far he really doesn't seem to like any of our neighbors dogs or Martin's mom's dogs.

Lastly, I had to share a few of the pictures from our Christmas photo sesh a few weeks back. I thought it would be so cute to put Elliott in a box gift-wrapped, and he didn't disappoint!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Baby Elliott: 5 Months!

When I look back on the months as they pass by, it strikes me just how much changes in just a few short weeks. Elliott is constantly growing and changing, and I already look back at his pictures from when he was a newborn and miss those early days. I take pictures & video of him constantly, and I still feel like time is passing me by far too quickly!
(look at that double chin!)

One thing that baffles me is how big he is. He's only 5 months and already 19 pounds! He is exclusively breastfeeding, so apparently milk does his body good ;) He has recently started paying more attention to when Martin & I eat, so probably in the next few months we will start introducing him to pureed veggies & fruits. Until then, clearly he's getting enough to eat, so I'm in no rush to start him on solids.

Some of you already saw the pictures of Elliott from Halloween, where I made him a Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man costume. I knew months ago that I wanted to make him that costume, since he is just so pudgy! It seemed perfect for him, but the downside was I couldn't find any places that sold the costume. So I looked up different blogs of moms who had made their babies into Stay-Puft Marshmallow Men and what they did to make the costumes, and came up with my own rendition. I used a bunch of Martin's old white undershirts, cut them up into strips, and used a  hot glue gun to create the detachable pieces: two arms, two legs, and a body piece. I stuffed those with pillow stuffing, and made his hat & bib out of felt, puff paint, and ribbon. We went trick-or-treating with our community group, and all of the houses we went to loved his costume! They instantly recognized him, although most of the kids had no idea who he was, since Ghostbusters was long before their time. Martin was able to borrow a Ghostbuster costume from one of his co-workers, so that was fun to have a theme for both of them. I was planning on wearing my Hobbit outfit my mom made me two years ago, but as it turns out, I don't quite fit into that costume yet ;) maybe next Halloween!

We don't have too many stories for this month, so on to some 5-month-old updates for Elliott!

Currently, Elliott enjoys:
- attempting to roll over (he gets stuck on his side most times)
- standing in his bouncer (hasn't quite figured out how to bounce yet)
- trying to form words while chatting with mommy & daddy
- being read to
- taking baths and being naked
- scooting around on his belly
- walking around while carried in the ergo
(nothing better)

Elliott couldn't care less for:
- putting on his PJ's
- putting on any clothes, for that matter
- when he can hear mommy's voice, but can't see her

Friday, October 17, 2014

Baby Elliott: 4 months!

Little Elliott is 4 months old now, and it is so fun to watch him continue to grow and discover the world around him! My little honey just gets sweeter with each day; lately he enjoys laying in my lap and staring up at me, smiling. It melts my heart every time! He just stares and studies me, as if he's trying to memorize every freckle on my face. He is sitting up in the bumbo constantly, and enjoys watching me fold laundry or clean up while hanging out in that little chair. Makes it easier to get the chores done around the house! He also started using a bouncer our friend Leti let us borrow recently, and although he hasn't quite figured out how to bounce in it yet, he enjoys standing in it and playing with the toys on the bouncer. He still adores his playmat as well, and will coo and squeal while pulling at the stuffed toys that hang above him.

He's quite the little chatter box lately! He does his best to converse with Martin and I all the time, and it's the cutest. He just wants to be able to talk so badly! I'll post a video of him at the bottom of the blog,  of one of his chat sessions with his daddy, being adorable ;)

Probably one of the funniest quirks about him, is how he responds to people who say hi to him and try to get him to smile. You know those friendly babies, who smile at everyone and make them feel special? Elliott doesn't know what that is, and he couldn't care less. Whenever someone tries to get a smile out of him, he just stares at them. Stone cold. Serious business. He lights up whenever he sees Martin and I, but everyone else really has to put some work in to get him to crack a smile! It's hilarious and sad all at the same time. He's such a happy guy, but you wouldn't know it from how he responds to others who try to get a giggle out of him ;)

At the beginning of October last year, I found out I was pregnant. It was after having 4 different dreams that night of taking a pregnancy test and finding it to be positive, that I decided to take a pregnancy test when I got up. In my half asleep state, I waited out of curiosity to see if my subconscious knew more than I did, and lo and behold, the positive sign showed up and I screamed "MARTIN GET IN HERE!"He probably thought I sliced an artery shaving from how I yelled. Instead of some kind of cutesy way of telling him I was pregnant, I just stared at him with a deer-in-the-headlights look, and motioned towards the stick on the counter, and then he matched my facial expression and just said "really?!" We were both shocked, excited, nervous, and unsure what to do next. I kept saying "I can't believe I'm really pregnant! What do we do now?!" It was such a special, chaotic moment and a wonderful memory to look back on now. My first time ever finding out I was pregnant, our first time ever sharing in the thrill of the news together, and our first time realizing our family was expanding beyond just us two. In those moments, I only dreamed of what that little baby would become, and my dreams were nowhere near as wonderful as the reality of Elliott. He is a gift that I thank God for every day.

Now that my sappy-ness is out of the way, it's time for some 4 month old updates for our little man!

Currently, Elliott enjoys:
- Chatting with mommy and daddy
- Sitting in his bumbo chair
- getting his diaper changed, which is probably because he loves . . .
- being naked
- grabbing his toes
- post-bath massages
first time in the pool! 

he couldn't care less for:
- suctioning his nose (poor little guy has some congestion lately)
- getting dressed
- when mommy walks out of the room

Love our little butterball! Here's his chatty video :)

Friday, September 19, 2014

Baby Elliott: 3 Months!

Elliott turned 3 months on the 15th, so technically he's a few days beyond, but my baby boy already feels like he's growing too fast for me to keep up! In the last couple of days alone, he has gotten too long for his co-sleeper and lays in it, kicking the end til he falls asleep - which is adorable in its own right, but a sure sign its time for the crib. le sigh. He is also too chubby for his 3 month old clothes and needs to move to the next size up, and has hit all kinds of milestones this last month:
he's grasping things on his own,
he's sitting up in his bumbo chair,
he sleeps 8-10 hours a night typically (hallelujah!),
he holds himself up steadily while on his tummy,
and even yesterday starting trying to get into a crawling position! WHAT?! how?!?
biggest belly ever? Probably. 

I both love and loathe that my baby is getting bigger. I love that he is so smiley, and giggles and interacts with Martin and I all the time. I don't know if there's a sweeter feeling than seeing your itty bitty baby light up when they look at you. But I also get that sad, weepy feeling when I look at him and realize my baby looks like a proper baby now; no more newborn, no more curled little fists and toes all the time. He's growing up right before my eyes and I'm still afraid of missing it.

I've always struggled with being present. I'm such a forward-thinker and a daydreamer that I can get so caught up in where I would like to be, I miss out on what God has for me right now often. I am learning the richness of being present with Elliott these days. From those first moments after his birth in the hopsital, to those extra early 3 AM wake up calls, to those catastrophic poop explosions that are just mind-boggling and Martin and I refer to as "poopocalypse". Those moments were crazy and blurry and emotionally draining, but I wanted to soak them all in as much as I would his precious little baby coos and fits of giggles when daddy tickles him with his beard.
He has the best facial expressions!

I'm also learning that this whole being present thing requires me to desperately rely on Jesus. And I mean desperately. The days where Elliott is cranky and fussy and won't let me put him down, even though I had plans to finally vacuum and write in his baby book (such lofty goals), I have to pray and ask God to give me grace to find joy in those tired & drained moments. Something is upsetting my little guy, Lord knows what, and the only thing that is comforting in that moment is being right next to mama and snuggling close. So I'll sacrifice my desire to have a clean house that looks like we don't even live here, and remind myself that it is a privilege and a great responsibility to represent Christ's love & grace towards my boy, even in these early days. And even in those days where I am feeling miserable and mopy and Elliott turns into a poop volcano and errupts all over me and the nursing pillow, and I call Martin in tears because there is poop EVERYWHERE and I just don't know how to process what just happened or what to do next. That happened this week. And that was poopocalypse number two, for those of you keeping count. Joys of motherhood, ya'll!

On to Elliott's 3 Month old tidbits!

Currently, Elliott enjoys:
- sitting in his bumbo chair
- playing on his playmat (still, by far, his favorite solo activity)
- being tickled by daddy's beard
- being naked (it's risky business letting this one happen!)
- being outside (when it's not 99 degrees out)
- squealing and discovering different sounds he can make
- his crinkly giraffe
- bath time
- hanging out in a baby carrier
- laughing at mommy when she makes weird noises & faces (sometimes I don't know if he's mocking me or thinks I'm hilarious . . . but I'll do anything to make that baby laugh!)

Elliott couldn't care less for:
- his car seat (still hates it, but it's getting slightly better, so there is hope!)
- getting dressed
- when bath time ends
- when he has gas

Clearly, his likes outweigh his dislikes, so we have a generally happy baby, which I'm thankful for! And finally, an adorable video of Elliott being the cutest baby in the world.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Baby Elliott: 2 Months!

I don't know how it happened, but the summer is almost over. I look at the calendar and can't believe we're half way through August. I may not have done most of the typical summer activities, but I have loved every single day with Martin and our baby boy. Even on the days where Elliott has been extra fussy, I remind myself that this season of infancy is so fleeting. I want to soak in every moment and choose joy, because he is one of the greatest gifts God has given us.

Elliott has been growing and changing right before our eyes. Every day seems like there is a new discovery: his crinkly giraffe toy, trying to have a conversation with us, and realizing he has quite powerful vocal chords! I was on FaceTime with my mom the other day while he was on his play mat, and he was squealing so loud, my mom kept laughing and saying "well, he's just like his momma with that voice!" Thanks mom ;) I have been told many times my voice is easy to pick out in a crowd. I'm pretty sure that really means: Ali you are louder than everyone else who is talking. ;)

4 AM smiles made the early mornings bearable 

Another wonderful development, is he has begun to sleep through the night! Hallelujah! In the last week, he has typically gone down for the night between 10-11 PM, and wakes up between 5 AM - 7 AM. For about a week he was waking up about 4 AM, and the week after would fuss for a few minutes around 4, then fall back asleep til 6. And now he is basically out and sound asleep until 6 or 7 AM! When I go to sleep at night, I always wonder if he'll revert back to waking up at 3 or 4 AM, but for now I am thoroughly enjoying the fact that my baby is letting me get a solid 6-7 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night.
Chris Farley, anyone?

I go back to work on Monday. I have thoroughly enjoyed staying home with Elliott, and will miss him while I'm at work, but I am looking forward to going back. I think if I didn't like my job it would be harder, but I'm looking forward to working on Student Ministry & Children's events for the fall and winter. I know LeeLee and Haley will take such great care of Elliott while Martin & I are at work! The girls both used to be in my small group when they were high schoolers, and are serving Martin and I by watching Elliott for us. God is good!
Many days, the Moby Wrap is the only way I get stuff done around the house.

Currently Elliott enjoys:
- Going on walks in the Baby Bjorn (papoose)
- Smiling and chatting with mommy and daddy
- Squealing on his play mat and chatting with his animal friends
- Cuddling with mom & dad when we bring him into the bed after his morning feeding
- Sucking on his hand
- Discovering his toys
- Bath time
- Coconut Oil massages from daddy

Elliott couldn't care less for:
- Driving in the car (he still hates his car seat)
- Tummy time (he's over it after 5 minutes)
- Putting on clothes
- A pacifier
bonding with daddy while getting a coconut oil massage. He loves them! 

Here's a video of Elliott working on holding his head up. He's getting so strong!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Baby Elliott: 1 Month Old

My little honey is one month old today! This little guy is just the sweetest. If I'm completely honest, I was a little envious of my friends who have/are having a girl when we found out we were having a boy. I just thought girls are sweeter and have the cuter clothes (really though, Target, it's just unfair that 3/4's of your baby section is girl clothes). Now that Elliott is here, I can't imagine having a girl instead of him! I love his little baby coo's and giggles in his sleep. He's even started smiling at Martin and I, and every time I just melt. I love my handsome little man and can't believe he's already a month old! 

At 1 month old, Elliott enjoys: 
- snuggling with mommy and daddy
-  his sleep sheep (thanks Courtney!) 
- sleeping next to mommy during afternoon naps 
- coconut oil massages from daddy 
- bath time 
- being swaddled
- goo goo baby butt balm (no joke, he smiles when we put it on his little butt, haha!) 

Elliott couldn't care less for: 
- his car seat 
- tummy time 
- his pacifier 

He's a happy little guy most of the time, but gets fussy if we try to put him down on his play mat. He still wants to be next to Martin or I most of the time, so I try to keep my daily goals down to one thing each day. Whether that's getting out to the grocery store or the bank, I can only plan on really getting one errand done each day. I don't mind all of the extra snuggle time right now, since I know he will grow out of his love of cuddles before I know it! 

Here's a few photos from his first month: 

Getting a coconut oil massage from daddy. Martin loves this as much as Elliott :) 

I just love his sleepy little face! 

Sleeping on daddy's lap while he plays on the computer ;) 

The two or three minutes of tummy time he tolerated before becoming a grumpus 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Elliott's Birth Story

Sometimes when I think back on the day Elliott was born, I still can't believe I actually had a baby. My baby. He was inside of me for 9 months, and then all of a sudden, he was here and I was holding him and he was so beautiful. It was such an incredible day, and I couldn't have asked for a better experience. So many of our friends and family were praying for my labor and delivery, and I want to thank you all for lifting me and baby up in prayer during that time. I know that those prayers truly made a difference, and God was faithful to give us a safe labor and delivery, and a healthy baby boy. God is good! Here is the story of how Elliott came into the world!

The last week of my pregnancy, I had a couple of nights of false labor. I would have contractions for a couple of hours, that were about 15 minutes apart. It was always at night, and the contractions would radiate through my abdomen and my back. I would try to sleep through them, but the back labor was painful and I could never sleep through the contractions (by the way: anyone who has been able to sleep through early labor, kudos to you! I have no idea how you did it!). So I had a couple of sleepless nights. I had contractions friday night, the night before Elliott's due date, from about 11 PM until 6 AM.  I was thinking it would finally be time to go in to the hospital, but they tapered off and I was exhausted and disappointed. I spent Saturday going between naps and nesting urges to suddenly deep clean our house. I cleaned out the fridge, scrubbed our bathtub raw, and worked on finishing up those baby shower thank you's I never got around to (sorry friends . . . those last five still haven't gone out in the mail). Martin came home from work Saturday night at about 9 PM. Around an hour later, I started feeling contractions again, and figured I would just be in for another late night of false labor. I told Martin about them, but thought nothing of it, so I told him to just go to bed and I would join him when they subsided. The contractions were still anywhere between 15-30 minutes apart, so I decided to watch The Office in between contractions. They were more painful than the ones I had during false labor, but since I had never experienced labor before, I just assumed they were going to keep getting worse until I couldn't stand them, and those would be true labor contractions. I also figured we were still at least a week away from when he would arrive, since I kept being told to expect to be overdue with the first baby. I was having back labor as well as front labor, and could not sit still because of the pain. With the onset of each contraction, I would get up and walk around the table, focusing on my breathing. I remember getting to a point around 1-2 AM, that with each contraction I would think I couldn't stand the pain anymore, and as soon as I got to that point, the contraction would start going down. In between each contraction it truly felt like I forgot the pain and could make it to the next one. That break between each contraction is what would help me get through til the next one! 
My contractions began getting closer together in the early morning, about 8 minutes apart, and at about 5 AM I finally woke up Martin because it seemed like this was going to be the real deal. He was a little delirious, and since this wasn't the first time I had contractions all night, he seemed uninterested getting out of bed at first. Until I told him my contractions were now between 5-8 minutes apart, then he was alert and making coffee ;) We called my OB after Martin woke up, and he said we could go in now or wait til they were consistently 5 minutes apart, since that is considered true labor and go time! By 6:30 AM, my contractions were consistently 5 minutes apart, so we grabbed our hospital bags and drove out to Los Robles. 
We arrived at the hospital at about 7 AM, and I was admitted to the biggest delivery room I've ever seen. After I put on my hospital gown, our labor & delivery nurse Veronica came in and introduced herself and did a cervical check to see if I would be admitted. I was 3 CM dilated and 70% effaced, so she said I was definitely in labor and would hopefully be having a baby that day! I tried not to get stuck on the idea of having him that same day, since I knew labor can vary so much in duration. I just knew this was finally happening, no matter how long or short it would be, we would be seeing our baby boy soon! Being at the hospital and really being in labor was so surreal to me. I kept telling Martin "this is really happening!" I was so excited to finally meet our boy! 
After getting hooked up to the IV and getting the fetal monitor & contraction monitor set up, Veronica told me I was free to move around and labor however felt most comfortable. Laying in the bed was the most painful with back labor, so I got up and would walk around the bed, or sit and sway on the birthing ball during contractions. We had worship music playing in our room as well, which was comforting to me during labor to focus on the lyrics of the songs and remember that God would be faithful to care for me and baby, no matter what labor & delivery would be like. My contractions started to get closer together and the pain intensified, and no matter what I did I couldn't find relief. Martin would rub my lower back for counter pressure, I would sway next to the bed, or sit on the ball, but it was still only a minuscule distraction from the pain of the contraction. Around 10:30 AM, Veronica came in and told me unfortunately the baby's heart rate was dropping with each contraction I had while standing up or sitting down, so I would need to get back into the bed. They suspected the umbilical cord was to blame, so decided not to break my water to allow for more of a cushion around the baby until it broke on it's own. Because back labor was pretty much excruciating when I couldn't move around, the nurse asked if I would like the epidural at that point. I had wanted to wait til I was 5 CM dilated, but when she checked, I was 4 1/2 and decided it was close enough. Especially if I was going to be stuck in bed for however long we would be there. 
The anesthesiologist was in our room within 15 minutes, and began setting up to give me the epidural. Right around that time, I started shaking uncontrollably, like I had the shivers. I asked the nurse why that was happening, and she said my oxytocin was kicking in again and progressing my labor! The epidural needle did not bother me at all, and I felt relief from the contractions within 10 minutes. It was perfect timing, too, because almost immediately after receiving the epidural my contractions were consistently 1-2 minutes apart and incredibly strong! Martin kept watching the contractions on the monitor and saying "wow, it's a good thing you can't feel THAT one!" ;) 
I was given an oxygen mask to give a little extra boost to ensure Elliott's heart rate would stay regular. I laid in bed and drifted in between sleep and waking, all the while feeling the pressure from each contraction but not the pain. It's a funny sensation, really; to feel a pressing against your abdomen and yet it doesn't hurt at all. We watched the World Cup games to pass the time, and Martin was able to get a nap in as well while I was going in and out of sleep. I am so thankful for that time of rest, since I had not slept the night before, and had terrible sleep that friday night as well. Veronica was a wonderful nurse and kept coming in to check on me and make sure I was comfortable. She would always tell me I was doing so well and she was so happy to see me progressing so quickly. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better nurse! 
By 4:00 PM that same day, I was 10 CM dilated and my water had not yet broken. Veronica called my OB, and told me we would wait to start pushing until my water broke. I couldn't believe it was already time; it seemed like labor progressed so quickly! I'm glad I was mentally prepared for the long haul, because it made the news of a speedier labor a nice surprise and not something I was expecting. Around 4:20, I was having a strong contraction (again, couldn't feel the pain but could feel the pressure) and I could tell the baby was very low and ready to go! During that contraction, I suddenly heard a "POP!" and felt like a water balloon had exploded between my legs! I called for Veronica and told her I was pretty sure my water broke, and sure enough, it had. She did a cervical check to see where the cord was positioned around Elliott, and discovered it was in fact wrapped around his neck. My OB came in at that time and said to start pushing now so we could get him out as soon as possible. Veronica told me that because I hadn't had time to labor down naturally, I would likely be pushing for a couple of hours, so to be ready. I didn't even care at that point how long it would take, I had a sudden burst of adrenaline and was focused on getting my baby out safely. 
I started pushing at 4:30 PM and they quickly discovered that with each push, Elliott's heart rate was once again dropping significantly. Veronica decided to have me push every other contraction and focus on deep breaths in and out between pushing, to help bring his heart rate back up between pushes. It was scary to hear his heart go from a steady rhythm, to a very slow blip, and I kept thinking "I need to breathe for baby, I need to breathe for baby", so I wouldn't get caught up in what was going on. My OB came back in around 5 PM, because Elliott's head was now visible. Because of the situation with the cord, my OB wanted him out ASAP and told me he was likely going to have to use a vacuum. I trusted my doctor and knew that whatever had to happen to keep Elliott safe and healthy was his focus. He didn't end up needing the vacuum after all, because right after he shared that with us, my next push had Elliott's head out! The doctor quickly unwrapped the cord and pulled him out the rest of the way. He was born at 5:18 PM on June 15th, Father's Day. As soon as I heard him cry, I lost it. I was crying hysterically. 

The long weeks feeling nauseated and exhausted during pregnancy, the months of dizzy spells and feeling overheated; the sleepless nights from back pain and contractions; the hours I was in labor all led up to that incredible moment where I heard my baby cry for the first time and knew this was all real and he was finally here. They immediately placed him on my chest, and I kept crying and saying how perfect he was. As soon as Elliott heard my voice, he stopped crying and stared at me. It was the most precious moment. 
He was with me on my chest for about 30 minutes before they took him to get weighed and warmed up. Martin and I were both still crying and everything felt like a dream. 

After they wrote down his weight, 7 lbs 12 oz, they gave him back to me and everyone left the room except for Martin and I. We had about 2 hours of just us three, and it was perfect. We couldn't be more in love with our son, and I couldn't take my eyes off of him the entire time. Our sweet baby boy was the perfect gift from our loving Father. While I was pregnant, I wondered if I would love him right away, or if it would take some time. I was a little afraid I might not have a connection with him since pregnancy was not my favorite. But I don't think my heart was ever as full at any other point in my life thus far than it was in those first hours with Elliott. I wanted time to stop, and just be there holding my son and thanking God for him. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Baby Elliott: One Week Old!

Baby Elliott is here! The Saturday I was 40 weeks pregnant, I had intentions of posting an update on the blog. But then I was going between super tired and napping, and these short bursts of energy where I suddenly felt compelled to clean out the fridge and deep clean the bathroom! Nesting was in full swing, and it makes sense that the next morning we were on our way to the hospital in labor, excited to meet our little man! I'll post my labor & delivery story another time, since quite a few friends have asked. I will say: all in all, it was a great experience and I am so grateful for the incredible nurses at Los Robles Hospital for their care and encouragement! So many friends and family were praying for us during those hours I was in labor, and I know that those prayers made a huge difference as well, so thank you everyone for caring for us in that way!

Elliott is now one week old, and I can't get enough of him! Every noise he makes, every facial expression, every nuzzle when he's curled up on my chest is all so adorable and Martin and I are both completely enamored with him. Even the night time feedings aren't so terrible, once I'm up, since it's a sweet time of just he and I, snuggling in the quiet while everyone else is asleep. He's sleeping in 2-3 hour stretches between feedings now, which is great. Martin likes to get up with him after his early morning feeding (typically between 6-7 AM) and just hang out with him in the living room. Martin says it's guy time ;)
We have been so blessed by friends and family and how they have cared for us and loved on us during this time of transitioning. From gifts arriving at our doorstep, to meals being brought to our home, we are so thankful for the kindness of you all! Life with our baby boy is beyond what we could have imagined, and we couldn't be happier! Here are a couple pictures from his first week home :)
Elliott's first bath! He was pretty much calm the entire time. No fussing! Which was a surprise since most newborns hate bath time. He must be like his mommy and just love being in the water. 

So fresh and so clean! 

My snuggly little man. I never want to put him down once he's asleep, he's so cuddly!