Many of you probably knew that this blog was originally to track our progress in pursuing missions ministry in Argentina. In the summer of 2012, many of you generously provided for us to take an exploratory trip there, where we visited a few different cities, learned about the need for more missionaries in the city of Corrientes, and began prayerfully pursuing ministry in Corrientes. After a few months, we turned in our missionary applications to Cornerstone church, our home church here in Simi Valley, with the intention of partnering with Cornerstone to be sent out as missionaries to Corrientes. And then . . . well, not much seemed to happen. We did the missions assessment through Cornerstone in April of 2014, which was very encouraging and affirming for our desire to serve as missionaries overseas, and we met some great people who are also missionally minded during that weekend. We were waiting for an answer from Cornerstone, as to whether or not we could move to the next phase of preparing for ministry in Corrientes. The answer was "not yet" - not no, not yes; just not yet.
Some of you, who have been tracking with us over the years, have often asked us "so . . . whatever happened to Argentina? Are you guys still going?" to which we would answer, "we hope so!" or "yes, we're just kind of in a waiting spot right now." A lot of that was due to the Global Team going through some major structural and personnel changes, which we didn't know of at the time. They were re-evaluating their philsophy of ministry, and trying to determine what would be best as a church for sending out missionaries overseas. Through many months of prayer and deliberation, the team came to the conclusion that it would be best to send out a team of missionaries to a specific location, rather than individuals to various locations. This is important for longevity of ministry, team relationships, and for the church in Simi to continue a faithful partnership with missionaries serving overseas - to stay connected and know who they are supporting. These decisions were not easy, and not approached flippantly, and after we had a chance to meet with the Global team and hear about their heart behind these decisions, we were completely on board and supportive of their discernment.
From the very beginning, when we first heard about the opportunity to go to Argentina, both Martin and I felt like through prayer we didn't have a yes or no, but rather a "follow Me". And so we did - we went to Argentina, and came home, and continued praying for direction. The answer stayed the same - not yes, not no, but "follow Me." So we did, and for that time, following God's leading was to take the next step to partner with Cornerstone in going to Argentina. Even then, we knew that Encompass, our missions agency, was encouraging the national church to send their own missionaries into Corrientes. So while we would move forward with plans for Corrientes, that could change if nationals stepped in. We understood, and were still holding loosely to the possibility of Corrientes, knowing that we would move in that direction, and God may take us elsewhere if He wanted to.
I didn't think "elsewhere" would be quite as contrasting as it seems He is directing us now. The Global Team came to two countries they wanted to send missionaries to: Poland, and Japan. Neither of these are in South America (duh), and neither of these countries speak spanish (duh). When we first learned this, my heart sank a little. I always believed my fluency in spanish was for missions, and specifically for Latin America; why would God seem to close the door then, and re-direct us to completely different places? I have no interest in Japan, personally; I hate sushi, can't stand fish, and the idea of learning Japanese is intimidating, to say the least. And Poland? It's freezing, Polish is just as hard as Japanese, and right next door to Russia. Which is also freezing. I just got used to this California climate!
I was hard-hearted, and praying that God would still send us to Argentina. Or at least Bolivia. Or somewhere where I loved the culture, the people, and the language was already my second language. Still, His answer remained the same: "follow Me." But WHERE?! Does it have to be one of these places?! I don't WANT to go to Poland or Japan! Missionaries are still needed in Latin America - we just heard about unreached people groups in Mexico during our Perspectives class! So they still need missionaries there. So can't we go somewhere like that?
In mid-November the Global team invited us to a dinner to hear from the Yzbick's, who are currently serving in Poland. Martin and I were going for the free meal and to be supportive of other missionaries, truthfully. at the time, we were still praying that God would somehow allow us to continue our pursuit of missions in Argentina because, well, we had already been on this road for the last two and a half years. But we wanted to be supportive of others who were serving faithfully overseas. At this time we hadn't heard yet from the Global Team about how they came to decide on Poland or Japan, we just knew they had made that decision. So hearing their heart behind those choices was huge for us. and hearing from the Yzbick's about their ministry and their need for a team was also very eye-opening and moving for us. For me especially to hear from Jen Yzbick about her desire to go back to Iraq, where she served for years as a single woman, and how God changed her heart and directed their family to Poland. I related so much to her story, and God knew that was what I needed to hear.
God is of course gracious and kind in how He works on our hearts. Through our Perspectives class on the World Christian Movement, I learned more about the various people groups and nations that need the Gospel, and heard from missionaries who served in the Middle East and other places - not because they loved the culture, or the climate, or even the people initially - but because they loved Jesus and understood His heart for the lost, and were willing to go into unknown territory for the sake of the Gospel. One of our pastors at Cornerstone gave a sermon about how the chasm Jesus was willing to cross for us was so vast and expansive, we need to be willing to take small steps out of our comfort zone for the sake of the Gospel. While I was feeling convicted, he even said specifically that some of us need to be willing to learn a new language for the sake of the Gospel. Nice and obvious, right?
Throughout the last few weeks, God has transformed so much of how I approach the question of "where" when it comes to missions. It's not about the location I prefer, or the climate, or the language, or the culture. It comes down to: am I willing to follow wherever He leads us, even if that involves laying down my personal preferences, for the sake of the Gospel? I could relate to Jonah, who really did NOT want to go to Nineveh, but that's where God told Him to go. And when he fought so hard against it, it just didn't work out for him. When he finally said "ok. I think I should probably go to Nineveh", God said "that sounds like a good plan to Me" ;)
So when you ask the question, "whatever happened to Argentina?" our answer, as of the last few weeks, is this: it looks like God may be calling us elsewhere. We're still not entirely sure on that, and are seeking His direction fervently through prayer. We would love for you to pray with us, as this is a major change for us from what we were initially considering. But we are trying to follow Him - wherever He may call us - and to set aside our personal agendas. He has a plan, and we know He will be faithful to guide us and provide a way for us, wherever that may be.
Martin will be going on an exploratory trip with our Global Team from Cornerstone to Poland at the end of February/beginning of March this year. It will be a 9-day trip to Lodz (pronounced "Woo-dge"), where the Yzbicks are, to look into the possibility of joining the Yzbick's in ministry there. Elliott and I will not be joining them, since Elliott is still nursing, and the travel & time change would be very difficult with an 8 month old baby. I'm excited for what God will do during the team's time there, and look forward to being able to share with all of you what they learn during that time.
We will be raising financial support for Martin's plane ticket, and would love to send you a letter with information on how you can partner with us, if you would like to know more about the trip and what the team will be doing. Of course, we desire more than anything that you would pray with us over these next few months: for direction, for wisdom & discernment, and for a willingness in both of us to go wherever God directs us next. It can be hard to follow when we really don't know where that may be, but one thing is always true: God is faithful. God has a purpose and a plan. We can trust Him.
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