When I look back on the months as they pass by, it strikes me just how much changes in just a few short weeks. Elliott is constantly growing and changing, and I already look back at his pictures from when he was a newborn and miss those early days. I take pictures & video of him constantly, and I still feel like time is passing me by far too quickly!
(look at that double chin!)
One thing that baffles me is how big he is. He's only 5 months and already 19 pounds! He is exclusively breastfeeding, so apparently milk does his body good ;) He has recently started paying more attention to when Martin & I eat, so probably in the next few months we will start introducing him to pureed veggies & fruits. Until then, clearly he's getting enough to eat, so I'm in no rush to start him on solids.
Some of you already saw the pictures of Elliott from Halloween, where I made him a Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man costume. I knew months ago that I wanted to make him that costume, since he is just so pudgy! It seemed perfect for him, but the downside was I couldn't find any places that sold the costume. So I looked up different blogs of moms who had made their babies into Stay-Puft Marshmallow Men and what they did to make the costumes, and came up with my own rendition. I used a bunch of Martin's old white undershirts, cut them up into strips, and used a hot glue gun to create the detachable pieces: two arms, two legs, and a body piece. I stuffed those with pillow stuffing, and made his hat & bib out of felt, puff paint, and ribbon. We went trick-or-treating with our community group, and all of the houses we went to loved his costume! They instantly recognized him, although most of the kids had no idea who he was, since Ghostbusters was long before their time. Martin was able to borrow a Ghostbuster costume from one of his co-workers, so that was fun to have a theme for both of them. I was planning on wearing my Hobbit outfit my mom made me two years ago, but as it turns out, I don't quite fit into that costume yet ;) maybe next Halloween!
We don't have too many stories for this month, so on to some 5-month-old updates for Elliott!
Currently, Elliott enjoys:
- attempting to roll over (he gets stuck on his side most times)
- standing in his bouncer (hasn't quite figured out how to bounce yet)
- trying to form words while chatting with mommy & daddy
- being read to
- taking baths and being naked
- scooting around on his belly
- walking around while carried in the ergo
(nothing better)
Elliott couldn't care less for:
- putting on his PJ's
- putting on any clothes, for that matter
- when he can hear mommy's voice, but can't see her
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