Sunday, June 22, 2014

Baby Elliott: One Week Old!

Baby Elliott is here! The Saturday I was 40 weeks pregnant, I had intentions of posting an update on the blog. But then I was going between super tired and napping, and these short bursts of energy where I suddenly felt compelled to clean out the fridge and deep clean the bathroom! Nesting was in full swing, and it makes sense that the next morning we were on our way to the hospital in labor, excited to meet our little man! I'll post my labor & delivery story another time, since quite a few friends have asked. I will say: all in all, it was a great experience and I am so grateful for the incredible nurses at Los Robles Hospital for their care and encouragement! So many friends and family were praying for us during those hours I was in labor, and I know that those prayers made a huge difference as well, so thank you everyone for caring for us in that way!

Elliott is now one week old, and I can't get enough of him! Every noise he makes, every facial expression, every nuzzle when he's curled up on my chest is all so adorable and Martin and I are both completely enamored with him. Even the night time feedings aren't so terrible, once I'm up, since it's a sweet time of just he and I, snuggling in the quiet while everyone else is asleep. He's sleeping in 2-3 hour stretches between feedings now, which is great. Martin likes to get up with him after his early morning feeding (typically between 6-7 AM) and just hang out with him in the living room. Martin says it's guy time ;)
We have been so blessed by friends and family and how they have cared for us and loved on us during this time of transitioning. From gifts arriving at our doorstep, to meals being brought to our home, we are so thankful for the kindness of you all! Life with our baby boy is beyond what we could have imagined, and we couldn't be happier! Here are a couple pictures from his first week home :)
Elliott's first bath! He was pretty much calm the entire time. No fussing! Which was a surprise since most newborns hate bath time. He must be like his mommy and just love being in the water. 

So fresh and so clean! 

My snuggly little man. I never want to put him down once he's asleep, he's so cuddly!

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