Sunday, March 2, 2014

25 Weeks

I just spent the weekend up in the mountains with our high school youth group, and it was quite an eventful weekend! We had a big rainstorm set to hit southern California starting thursday and lasting through the weekend, and the weather didn't disappoint! We had to cancel the portion of the trip where the students were going to go snowboarding because of the weather on the mountain, but we were still abel to make it up into the San Bernardino mountains to Thousand Pines. The weekend was very rainy and cold, and the students handled it so well. They were troopers! Quite a few of our girls even participated in paintball during one of the downpours!  As tired as I was when we got home, I'm thankful I was able to be apart of another winter retreat with our girls. I love seeing how they are growing in their walks with Christ. It really is a privilege and an honor to disciple them. 
don't mind my look of exhaustion. We had just gotten home from winter camp! ;)

How far along: 25 weeks   
Fruit comparison: A califlower! About 14 inches in length, 2 lbs in weight.   
Total weight gain: 19 pounds 
Baby's new developments: Baby's nervous system is developing, and he now has a sense of equilibrium, knowing which way is up and which is down. 
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well. I wake up occasionally to the baby kicking and wiggling around, but it's not quite keeping me up at night . . . yet!
Best moment of the week: Definitely the winter retreat! I loved spending the weekend with our small group girls.  
Miss anything?: Lately I think I'm in the stage of pregnancy where I'm pretty happy about being pregnant and don't feel like I'm missing out on too much. 
Movement: His kicks are getting stronger every day! 
Food cravings: No cravings this week. It hasn't been the most eventful week I guess! 
Symptoms: Occasional leg cramps, nausea, and bloating. Fun times! 
Looking forward to: Getting through my glucose test this week. Here's to hoping everything comes back normal! 

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