Just this friday, Barbara and I had decided we would hang out and I literally texted her at least five different times in the hours before she came over saying either "I can't wait for you to come over, I feel great right now!" followed maybe 30 minutes later with "or maybe don't come over . . . now I feel awful." Then another half hour passes, and I send "you know what, just come over. This is ridiculous." Haha! Poor Barb. Because she is pretty much the best friend a girl could ask for, she came over with Mean Girls, some new nail polishes, and asked if she could give me a pedicure! Yes, you heard that last part right: SHE asked ME if she could paint my toes! She also gave me a manicure and helped me pick out fabrics for the triangle quilt I'm going to make for baby boy! I am so blessed by her friendship; she knows exactly how to many a pregnant lady feel loved. Did I mention she's planning my baby shower? It's going to be epic.
The patterned fabrics Barbara helped me pick out for baby boy's quilt. I can't wait to start making it!
This isn't the best baby bump shot, because I'm wearing a pretty loose top. But I like that you can see even in loose shirts now I look pregnant!
How far along: 22 weeks, or 5 months.
Size comparison: A Papaya: 10.5 to 11.8 inches in length, and 12.7 to 20.8 oz.
Total weight gain: 13.5 pounds
Sleep: Mostly I slept fine this week, but friday morning when I woke up and stretched I got an AWFUL leg cramp. The last few days my leg has still been a little sore since :(
Best moment of the week: This week there's been a couple: Martin feeling the baby kick like crazy one night, and Barbara coming over and pampering me and helping me pick out baby's quilt fabrics.
Miss anything?: Tying my shoes like a normal person. My belly is starting to get in the way, so I have to get creative when I put on my tennis shoes.
Movement: He's quite the active little guy! Almost every time I sit down for awhile, and after I eat something, he reminds me he's in there! Some kicks are small, others are pretty strong. He's definitely my child with all that energy ;)
Food cravings: Three different times this week nothing sounded good to me except for very specific foods. Twice, it was a cheese bagel from panera, and once it was ice cream. Which was pretty annoying when it was ice cream, because I was trying to go to bed but I was still so hungry and starting to feel nauseous. Of course, I didn't want to eat anything and finally decided "Fine! If all I can eat is ice cream, then so be it!" I know some of you probably think that's no big deal, but it really is annoying when everything else makes you want to gag except ice cream at 9:30 PM. It's not my night time snack of choice.
Symptoms: Indigestion, still occasional nausea and fatigue. I burp a lot more than usual. Which is saying something, because I have gastritis so I burp a lot after meals, haha!
Looking forward to: Beginning the work on baby's quilt! I'm so excited to be making something so special for our little guy. I love that my mom gifted me with the sewing machine I have, and look forward to using it to make special things for our little man.
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