Sunday, February 9, 2014

22 weeks

Another week has gone by, and I'm constantly reminded that being pregnant is different from anything else I've experienced thus far in my short life. One minute I'm feeling on top of the world, happy as a clam, and the next I'm nauseated and exhausted and considering life as a hermit. It's crazy how wide a range of emotions you can go through in a day! I always think of that scene in the movie "Mean Girls", when they are all in the assembly and the girl who doesn't go to the school says "I just have a lot of feelings." That about sums it up. 
Just this friday, Barbara and I had decided we would hang out and I literally texted her at least five different times in the hours before she came over saying either "I can't wait for you to come over, I feel great right now!" followed maybe 30 minutes later with "or maybe don't come over . . . now I feel awful." Then another half hour passes, and I send "you know what, just come over. This is ridiculous." Haha! Poor Barb. Because she is pretty much the best friend a girl could ask for, she came over with Mean Girls, some new nail polishes, and asked if she could give me a pedicure! Yes, you heard that last part right: SHE asked ME if she could paint my toes! She also gave me a manicure and helped me pick out fabrics for the triangle quilt I'm going to make for baby boy! I am so blessed by her friendship; she knows exactly how to many a pregnant lady feel loved. Did I mention she's planning my baby shower? It's going to be epic. 
The patterned fabrics Barbara helped me pick out for baby boy's quilt. I can't wait to start making it! 
This isn't the best baby bump shot, because I'm wearing a pretty loose top. But I like that you can see even in loose shirts now I look pregnant! 

How far along: 22 weeks, or 5 months. 
Size comparison: A Papaya: 10.5 to 11.8 inches in length, and 12.7 to 20.8 oz. 
Total weight gain: 13.5 pounds

Sleep: Mostly I slept fine this week, but friday morning when I woke up and stretched I got an AWFUL leg cramp. The last few days my leg has still been a little sore since :( 
Best moment of the week: This week there's been a couple: Martin feeling the baby kick like crazy one night, and Barbara coming over and pampering me and helping me pick out baby's quilt fabrics. 
 Miss anything?: Tying my shoes like a normal person. My belly is starting to get in the way, so I have to get creative when I put on my tennis shoes. 
Movement: He's quite the active little guy! Almost every time I sit down for awhile, and after I eat something, he reminds me he's in there! Some kicks are small, others are pretty strong. He's definitely my child with all that energy ;) 
 Food cravings: Three different times this week nothing sounded good to me except for very specific foods. Twice, it was a cheese bagel from panera, and once it was ice cream. Which was pretty annoying when it was ice cream, because I was trying to go to bed but I was still so hungry and starting to feel nauseous. Of course, I didn't want to eat anything and finally decided "Fine! If all I can eat is ice cream, then so be it!" I know some of you probably think that's no big deal, but it really is annoying when everything else makes you want to gag except ice cream at 9:30 PM. It's not my night time snack of choice. 
Symptoms:  Indigestion, still occasional nausea and fatigue. I burp a lot more than usual. Which is saying something, because I have gastritis so I burp a lot after meals, haha! 
Looking forward to: Beginning the work on baby's quilt! I'm so excited to be making something so special for our little guy. I love that my mom gifted me with the sewing machine I have, and look forward to using it to make special things for our little man. 

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