Sunday, January 12, 2014

18 weeks

Honestly, this week has been a much-appreciated and needed break from my harder pregnancy symptoms! Thank the Lord!! I haven't been as tired, had as many dizzy spells, and when I did start feeling the light-headedness/nausea coming on, I was able to eat something before I lost my appetite and keep things from getting too bad.
To all my mama friends who experienced high-risk pregnancies, non-stop morning sickness, and even went through hospitalization: you are my heroes! You sacrificed well beyond the typical pregnancy related difficulties, smiled and nodded at the folks who would try to tell you the morning sickness would soon pass, and remained tight-lipped when people would say, "don't you just LOVE being pregnant?!" I admire you all so much for your selflessness.
On another note, we got to have a check-up with my doctor on monday and everything looked great! Baby's heartbeat is strong, and my doctor was able to answer my dozen questions about all the weird things that I've been experiencing lately. AND, the best part of all, we get to find out the gender January 22nd!

How far along: 18 weeks
Size comparison: A sweet potato! 5.6 inches long, about 6.7 ounces in weight. 
Total weight gain: 10 pounds
Maternity clothes: This question seems silly now, since that's all I wear. I might have to change it to something else now. I'll have to think about it, and am open to any suggestions!
Sleep: Well I'm sleeping fine, but apparently I am sleep talking more than usual lately, and one time I actually hit poor Martin! I felt SO guilty when he told me about it the next morning! Apparently my crazy pregnancy dreams make me violent. 
Best moment of the week: Setting our appointment for the ultrasound to find out the baby's gender! I can't wait! 
Miss anything?: Nothing comes to mind. Since I've been feeling better this week, my mood has been significantly better! Pregnancy hormones have an up-side sometimes :) 
Movement: I actually felt it move, without a doubt this week! I was eating a breakfast burrito at our staff meeting, and I guess baby likes breakfast burritos, because it felt like my abdomen did a little flip haha! 
Food cravings: I haven't actually had any that I can pinpoint this week. 
Symptoms: occasional nausea/faintness. However, not nearly as much this week! Woohoo! 
Looking forward to: We are headed to Austin, TX next weekend for one of my best friends Rachelle's wedding! It's sort of like a babymoon for us as well, with the wedding festivities sprinkled throughout the weekend. I can't wait!

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