Sunday, December 8, 2013

13 Weeks

This last week we had our second ultrasound, and it was great! We got to see our little baby wiggling around, hear the heartbeat, and were told everything is progressing perfectly, which is always great to hear. It was so fun to see the baby moving around since I can't feel it yet, and to be reminded that there really is a baby in there! Our doctor said at our next ultrasound (17 weeks) we may be able to find out the gender, depending on how obvious the baby is ;) So we may find out if baby C is a girl or boy sometime next month!

How far along: 13 weeks 
Fruit comparison: a peach 
Total weight gain: 5 pounds 
Maternity Clothes: I've worn the belly band every time I had my jeans on, but I also have been loving leggings. I got some great hand-me-down maternity clothes from my friend Caitlin, and I have worn a couple of the shirts and love how those show my little bump :) 
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty well through the night, with just a little tossing and turning. 
Best moment of the week: Definitely our ultrasound! That was so fun to see and great to hear that baby is doing well! 
Miss anything?: Not that I can think of, since I started having coffee again, haha.
Movement: Still can't feel anything just yet.
Food cravings: This week it has definitely been red meat. Carne Asada, roast beef sandwiches, just gimme dat beef! 
Symptoms: Occasional headaches, but my energy is coming back so I'm not as fatigued. 
Looking forward to: This weekend we have our Christmas party with my small group girls, and I love this time with them. They are all so excited about our little one and we already have them scheduled for babysitting different days of each week ;) 

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