Friday, October 17, 2014

Baby Elliott: 4 months!

Little Elliott is 4 months old now, and it is so fun to watch him continue to grow and discover the world around him! My little honey just gets sweeter with each day; lately he enjoys laying in my lap and staring up at me, smiling. It melts my heart every time! He just stares and studies me, as if he's trying to memorize every freckle on my face. He is sitting up in the bumbo constantly, and enjoys watching me fold laundry or clean up while hanging out in that little chair. Makes it easier to get the chores done around the house! He also started using a bouncer our friend Leti let us borrow recently, and although he hasn't quite figured out how to bounce in it yet, he enjoys standing in it and playing with the toys on the bouncer. He still adores his playmat as well, and will coo and squeal while pulling at the stuffed toys that hang above him.

He's quite the little chatter box lately! He does his best to converse with Martin and I all the time, and it's the cutest. He just wants to be able to talk so badly! I'll post a video of him at the bottom of the blog,  of one of his chat sessions with his daddy, being adorable ;)

Probably one of the funniest quirks about him, is how he responds to people who say hi to him and try to get him to smile. You know those friendly babies, who smile at everyone and make them feel special? Elliott doesn't know what that is, and he couldn't care less. Whenever someone tries to get a smile out of him, he just stares at them. Stone cold. Serious business. He lights up whenever he sees Martin and I, but everyone else really has to put some work in to get him to crack a smile! It's hilarious and sad all at the same time. He's such a happy guy, but you wouldn't know it from how he responds to others who try to get a giggle out of him ;)

At the beginning of October last year, I found out I was pregnant. It was after having 4 different dreams that night of taking a pregnancy test and finding it to be positive, that I decided to take a pregnancy test when I got up. In my half asleep state, I waited out of curiosity to see if my subconscious knew more than I did, and lo and behold, the positive sign showed up and I screamed "MARTIN GET IN HERE!"He probably thought I sliced an artery shaving from how I yelled. Instead of some kind of cutesy way of telling him I was pregnant, I just stared at him with a deer-in-the-headlights look, and motioned towards the stick on the counter, and then he matched my facial expression and just said "really?!" We were both shocked, excited, nervous, and unsure what to do next. I kept saying "I can't believe I'm really pregnant! What do we do now?!" It was such a special, chaotic moment and a wonderful memory to look back on now. My first time ever finding out I was pregnant, our first time ever sharing in the thrill of the news together, and our first time realizing our family was expanding beyond just us two. In those moments, I only dreamed of what that little baby would become, and my dreams were nowhere near as wonderful as the reality of Elliott. He is a gift that I thank God for every day.

Now that my sappy-ness is out of the way, it's time for some 4 month old updates for our little man!

Currently, Elliott enjoys:
- Chatting with mommy and daddy
- Sitting in his bumbo chair
- getting his diaper changed, which is probably because he loves . . .
- being naked
- grabbing his toes
- post-bath massages
first time in the pool! 

he couldn't care less for:
- suctioning his nose (poor little guy has some congestion lately)
- getting dressed
- when mommy walks out of the room

Love our little butterball! Here's his chatty video :)