I don't know how it happened, but the summer is almost over. I look at the calendar and can't believe we're half way through August. I may not have done most of the typical summer activities, but I have loved every single day with Martin and our baby boy. Even on the days where Elliott has been extra fussy, I remind myself that this season of infancy is so fleeting. I want to soak in every moment and choose joy, because he is one of the greatest gifts God has given us.
Elliott has been growing and changing right before our eyes. Every day seems like there is a new discovery: his crinkly giraffe toy, trying to have a conversation with us, and realizing he has quite powerful vocal chords! I was on FaceTime with my mom the other day while he was on his play mat, and he was squealing so loud, my mom kept laughing and saying "well, he's just like his momma with that voice!" Thanks mom ;) I have been told many times my voice is easy to pick out in a crowd. I'm pretty sure that really means: Ali you are louder than everyone else who is talking. ;)
4 AM smiles made the early mornings bearable
Another wonderful development, is he has begun to sleep through the night! Hallelujah! In the last week, he has typically gone down for the night between 10-11 PM, and wakes up between 5 AM - 7 AM. For about a week he was waking up about 4 AM, and the week after would fuss for a few minutes around 4, then fall back asleep til 6. And now he is basically out and sound asleep until 6 or 7 AM! When I go to sleep at night, I always wonder if he'll revert back to waking up at 3 or 4 AM, but for now I am thoroughly enjoying the fact that my baby is letting me get a solid 6-7 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night.
Chris Farley, anyone?
I go back to work on Monday. I have thoroughly enjoyed staying home with Elliott, and will miss him while I'm at work, but I am looking forward to going back. I think if I didn't like my job it would be harder, but I'm looking forward to working on Student Ministry & Children's events for the fall and winter. I know LeeLee and Haley will take such great care of Elliott while Martin & I are at work! The girls both used to be in my small group when they were high schoolers, and are serving Martin and I by watching Elliott for us. God is good!
Many days, the Moby Wrap is the only way I get stuff done around the house.
Currently Elliott enjoys:
- Going on walks in the Baby Bjorn (papoose)
- Smiling and chatting with mommy and daddy
- Squealing on his play mat and chatting with his animal friends
- Cuddling with mom & dad when we bring him into the bed after his morning feeding
- Sucking on his hand
- Discovering his toys
- Bath time
- Coconut Oil massages from daddy
Elliott couldn't care less for:
- Driving in the car (he still hates his car seat)
- Tummy time (he's over it after 5 minutes)
- Putting on clothes
- A pacifier
bonding with daddy while getting a coconut oil massage. He loves them!
Here's a video of Elliott working on holding his head up. He's getting so strong!